#露營美食分享 #木子李 #印度奶油雞肉醬

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#露營美食分享#木子李 #印度奶油雞肉醬








🔎 木子李嚴選烤餅




👉購買連結: https://muzili1111.1shop.tw/vh9m8l

⚠️近8.5折 限時兩週 7月9日~23日🙌滿一千六免運唷!

------------ENG -----------

#campinfoods  #idiancreamychickensauce


Do you like curry? I love them with all kinds of naan, this frozen naan and creamy sauce just perfect for camping too! So tasty and so save much of time and have more fun!

Super convenient for camping, save loads work and kitchenware, pack is enough portion as well, im very satisfied! 


I can taste special nice flavor and it just fluffy and tasty, love bread and naan ppl don’t miss this one! Is also suits vegan.

🍽木子李indian creamy chicken sauce

Mix with many lovely spices, two packs in box, their chicken marinated with yogurt so even use chicken thigh still super juicy, im very enjoy at this sauce and chicken chunks❤️

🔎 木子李naan and indian creamy chicken sauce





👉ORDER HERE: https://muzili1111.1shop.tw/vh9m8l

⚠️ almost 15% off! Now order for NT$1600 to get free delivery! Only during 9th to 23rd June!

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#木子李嚴選#宅配美食 #團購美食 #在家約會 #自製大餐 #簡單料理 #懶人料理 #親子料理 #popyummy