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常見的英文錯誤,妳中了幾個呢? Common Mistakes in English


The biggest mistake in English is to NOT be making any at all!!!! Don't be afraid to make mistakes! You can learn from them and improve a lot faster💙 學習英文,最常見的錯誤就是完全不犯下任何錯誤!!!

開燈不是 "open the lights" ,很多電器用品都是用 "turn on" 來開啟電視/電風扇/冷氣喔~
(X) Open the lights
(O) Turn on the lights

(X) Eat your medicine
(O) Take your medicine

我相信妳不無聊啦~是想說我很無聊~ 不是我這個人很無聊,要用 "bored" 喔~
或是你超無聊~ I'm bored out of my mind (無聊到快瘋了~XD)

(X) I am boring
(O) I am bored

身上擦香水,是用 "wear" 不是真的用擦的 "wipe",比較像是噴了之後,穿在身上,到處都有香味~

(X) Wipe perfume
(O) Wear perfume

洗衣服不是用 "wash",是用 "do" 因為把衣服放進洗衣機,不是人在真的洗衣服

(X) Wash the laundry
(O) Do the laundry

常被外國朋友問說,妳從哪來?是想問妳來自哪個國家喔~ 台灣我驕傲

(X) Where are you come from?
(O) Where are you from?

(X) Do you know the answer of the question
(O) Do you know the answer to the question

(X) Exercise is good to you. 
(O) Exercise is good for you.

↘Try the quiz📝 on my IG Page / 我的 IG 上有小測驗喔,快來做小測驗↙
追蹤我的IG👉 www.instagram.com/ciiindyenglish
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