質感生活 | 豪邁計劃🍷1#3 Moët & Chandon Rosé Impérial Mini 酩悅粉紅香檳

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#豪邁計畫🍷系列一: 粉色夢幻Someone hurt you so much that you've bleed all night. But don't worry, pinky dream is always on your side, grab it, and you'll get it.


  • Moët & Chandon Rosé Impérial Mini 酩悅粉紅香檳迷你瓶 12%
  • 價格: 21美金/台幣800-980元
  • 購買管道: 官網、各大酒商通路

Yes! We finally met. After almost 2 years’ long distance relationship, we thought it would be a good idea to meet at another country.

To celebrate our reunion, we ordered a bottle of Moët Rosé, and enjoyed this sweet and bitter moment of our life.

BTW, we had it with a Margarita pizza, and they tasted super good together. Bravo🍾️

粉紅酒也許是我們相見的儀式感🥺兩年不見,汪先生依舊記得我喜歡Rosé,鼓勵我點了這個貴鬆鬆、平常都捨不得點的Moët Rosé。(然後他自己喝啤酒QQ)

一開始對Moët有興趣是因為網球名將費爸Roger Federer 是代言人。身為費爸資深球迷,我超級好奇喝起來到底是怎麼樣的一個味道。從還不能喝酒的年紀,就開始覬覦這香檳。






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