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“Good people can be toxic too. A person does not need to be bad, negative or mean for their presence to bring you discomfort. People who make us happy, shine light on us and care about us can also cause us the kind of pain that makes it difficult for us to continue having them in our lives. This does not mean that there is something wrong with them, or you, it just means that you both cannot mix together for too long. It means that you cannot have someone in your life if they bring you just as much grief as they do love. It means that this person is both good and bad for you, and that never works out, no matter who they are and what they mean to you. And the sooner you accept this, the quicker you will be able to get rid of all the toxicity in your life – both good and bad – and the better able you will be in taking care of yourself.”

<Dear Self>: Toxic People
by Ruby Dhal


所謂Toxic relationship 指的是一段負面且惡性,彷彿具有「毒性」的關係。這樣一段充滿毒性的關係可以是任何形式的感情,而toxic people就是把這樣的關係轉移到特定的對象身上。

Ruby Dhal的文字在講述一個持續帶給你不快等負面情緒的人,不見得表示他是一個糟糕的人,他可能只是一個對你帶有「毒性」的人。




然而如文中所提,儘管帶來許多負面能量,toxic people有時也給予支持、關心,這些正面的影響卻無法消弭這段關係為你帶來的不悅。究責對方的同時,心底卻清晰浮現對方的良善,不禁也會質疑自己心胸是否太過狹隘。

又或者toxic people交遊廣闊,和其他人都相處融洽,這種情況同樣顯得自己才是這段失敗關係的問題根源。


