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[健康食譜] 涼拌蝦仁雞里肌 吃起來不像在減肥的簡單食譜







餐份/Servings: 3

食材 Ingredients (uncooked weight):

1. 400g 蝦仁 baby shrimp

2. 250g 雞里肌 chicken

3. 2 小黃瓜 cucumbers

4. 3 玉米筍 baby corn

5. 150g 蘆筍asparagus

6. 一些蔥 Some spring onion

7. 一瓣大蒜 1 clove of garlic

8. 2片薑 2 slices of ginger

9. 半顆黃檸檬擠汁 Juice of half a lemon

步驟 instructions:

1. 把雞肉泡5.5%鹽水 1-2小時

Soak the chicken in 5.5% slayed water for 1-2 hours

2. 煮滾加了鹽的水加入蔥薑蒜

Bring a pot of slated water to boil then add in the spring onion, garlic and ginger.

3. 放入雞肉,中小火煮5分鐘,關火悶10分鐘。

Put in the chicken and cook for 5 minutes in medium low heat. Remove from heat and cover the lid, leaving it for 10minutes.

4. 把雞肉拿出來冰鎮。蔥薑蒜拿掉。

Take out the chicken and chill it in an ice bath. Remove the spring onion, garlic, and ginger.

5. 把水再次煮沸,放入蝦仁中火煮3分鐘。

Bring the water back to a boil, put in the shrimp and cook for 3 minutes on medium heat.

6. 把蝦仁拿出來冰鎮。

Take out the shrimp and chill in an ice bath.

7. 用同一鍋水燙青菜。分別小黃瓜燙1分鐘,玉米筍燙3分鐘,蘆筍燙2分鐘。

In the same pot, blanch the cucumber for 1 minute, baby corn for 3 minutes, and asparagus for 2 minutes respectively.

8. 取出青菜冰鎮。

Put the vegetables in an ice bath.

9. 把蝦仁瀝乾,加入檸檬汁拌勻。

Drain the water from the shrimp and toss it in the lemon juice.

10. 把每一個原料的水瀝乾,並均分成三餐。

Drain the water from each component and start splitting them into 3 meals.

11. 每一份淋上一點酪梨油,一小撮鹽,和一點新鮮現磨的黑胡椒。均勻攪拌就可以上菜囉!

In each serving, drizzle some avocado oil, a pinch of salt, and a few scrunches of freshly ground black pepper. Toss evenly and it’s ready to serve!

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Cherie Aria🧜🏻‍♀️ 艾雪莉



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