[ 台北美食|松果院子Restaurant Pinecone ]

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🥗:松果魚悅340元 唐揚炸雞180元
🍰:伯爵戚風蛋糕140元 冰牛奶咖啡150元
#松果魚悅 有貝果、唐揚雞、百香果、季節水果、抺醬、炒蛋、新鮮果汁,每一個小缽內的食物都不馬虎,食物原型加上牧場直送的美味,你舌頭會告訴你(胡麻醬內的芥末根本神來一筆)
捨棄了大家都會點的#日出松露燉飯,#香草豬培根芥子手工麵 令人驚豔的好吃! 寬麵的彈性和存在感,搭著口感極佳的厚切豬培根、裹著超級濃郁醬,雖然多吃會膩,但這道非常推薦🍁
Fujin Street is a very well-known brunch street in Taipei. All the most exquisite and beautiful restaurants are opened on this street. Restaurant Pinecone is one of the very beautiful shops. With the most natural food and delicious dishes, you can enjoy stewed rice, spaghetti, brunch plates and various desserts and drinks. I really like their attitude towards food and give guests the best delicious and healthy meals , Be sure to try it next time when you visit.
⏰營業時間:平日 11:00~21:00 假日 09:30~21:00

