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▌牽絲起司南瓜義大利麵 ▌
🎈Cheesy Pumpkin Pasta
起司南瓜義大利麵 · チーズパンプキンパスタ・ 치즈 호박파스타 ☞ Difficulty 難度 ★★☆☆☆
☞ Swipe to see more pics of the DIY pasta
👉 左滑看更多超牽絲南瓜義大利麵影片
Ingredients 材料:
· Onion 洋蔥
· Garlic 蒜泥
· Cheese 起司
· Pumpkin Puree 南瓜泥
· Oil 油
· Pasta 義大利麵
· Alfredo Sauce 奶油白醬
· Black Pepper 黑胡椒
Pumpkin DIY is back again!🎃
This is super easy pumpkin pasta recipe is perfect to enjoy in the Fall✨
Combine and pan fry all the ingredients together under medium heat to get the thick pasta consistency
🧀️You can also sprinkle some cheese on top to oven bake to make extra cheesy too! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
是起司控的朋友🙆‍♀️ 可以撒更多惡魔起司然後放進烤箱裡焗烤喔
🙆‍♀️ #DIYeatz
Click to see more easy homemade DIYs
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