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[Daily Doodle] 83 Potted plants seen at family gatherings

The people in our family cannot grow together, just like all kinds of plants, which require different growth environments. We separated very early, but occasionally we still gather together, just like a whistle and improvise. These gatherings are temporary, but the emotions are still very close!

In recent years, many people, including my mother, have passed away one after another. We cherish this time together even more.

That day, Dad said a heart: "Too much, not good; too little, not good!

The hardest thing is—just right." While painting the plants and hearing this sentence, I silently sighed: Yes, just like drawing a picture, it is always the most difficult.

How to keep calm in this chaotic world and take care of your heart is really an eternal topic for people.

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Ig: @wawadashia
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