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Kindness is a choice💙🥰 善良是種選擇~

We have the ability to make changes. It can be something as simple as letting someone have your seat when you are taking the bus to work or school👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾


I find joy in making other people happy♥️ Especially those I truly care about😊

What about you?

★☆Ways to show kindness / 如何日行一善👇
▶ give your seat to someone / 讓位給需要的人🚍🚇🚆 
▷ tell someone you appreciate them / 告訴一個人,謝謝妳❤️👥
▶ tell someone why they are special to you / 告訴一個人,為什麼她對妳來說很重要😘
▷ hold the door for someone (while keeping physical distance XD) / 可以幫別人開門🙌
▶ tell a joke to make someone laugh / 告訴一個人一個笑話,記得要好笑一點😆
▷ give someone a compliment / 送別人一句讚美的話 🗣👍🏾
↘Tag a friend who you think is amazing❤️🧡💛💚💙↙

追蹤我的IG👉 www.instagram.com/ciiindyenglish
