Pepero Day 🍫

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Happy Pepero Day 🍫

Everyone knows Valentine’s Day and surely White Day. But did you know in Korea there is also Pepero Day?🇰🇷

Pepero Day is celebrated on November 11, the 11th day of the 11th month! Notice how the two ones together look like two Pepero sticks standing beside each other.

And this day is also Singles’Day in China,it is a Chinese unofficial holiday and shopping season that celebrates people who are not in relationships.

However we enjoy buying anything on online shop this day!!🛍

昨天是雙十一狂歡購物日🎉 大家有沒有買好買滿呀~~

從幾年前開始的這一天打著「光棍節」的名義衍伸出購物節 11.11這個數字是光棍的代表 象徵著單身💁🏻‍♀️起源於網路文化 在這一天的日子裡沒有固定的慶祝方式 最常看到的就是購物網站上的各種優惠啦! 趁著這一天享受單身也要好好愛自己把想買的東西都買下來~~

沒買搶購到東西的人也別氣餒 通常很多商家都會再舉行一個雙十二活動呢!大家趁著這個月把願望清單寫下來,等著雙十二一起搶購吧~~~


而在韓國的這一天是Pepero Day(빼빼로데이)

這天不管男女老少、親人朋友、兄弟姐妹們 大家都會去買Pepero巧克力棒來互相贈送 以傳達對親朋好友的愛💝
