質感生活 | 啃書計劃📚5#2 築地魚河岸猫の手修業

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  • 作者: 福地享子
  • 譯者: 許展寧
  • 出版社:馬可孛羅

It's hard to believe that a writer can be so obsessed with pursuing the skill of killing fish, especially at the fish market where usually belongs to men's field. I know it’s kinda stereotype, it’s still the truth that so far most of the workers in Tsukiji fish market are men.
Thanks to this brave lady Kyoko Fukuchi, who went to this men’s field, we now know Tsukiji from a different perspective. Through her words, the fish market was alive in front of us, as though watching a video. She went through every season in the fish market in a very detail way and introduced all kinds of fishes to us with how to made them to a better dish.
In the end, she is not only a writer, but also a really professional fishmonger. I admire her courage, and hope someday I can also find this kind of passion in something I love.

#築地魚河岸猫の手修業 #福地享子 #築地魚市打工的幸福日子 #EC啃書計畫

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