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We share about Taiwanese street food😋 My favorite is the steamed spring roll!🌯

I love wraps 🌯 in general but these are super healthy too! It usually has steamed cabbage with carrots, bean sprouts, cilantro and peanut powder.🥜

Comment below which is your favorite street food or you would love to try if you have not been to Taiwan yet🇹🇼😋🥰👇🏾
追蹤我的IG👉 www.instagram.com/ciiindyenglish
★☆Popular street food in Taiwan🇹🇼👇🏾
▷ steamed spring roll🌯 / 潤餅
▶ egg-shaped pancakes / 雞蛋糕
▷ grilled stinky tofu / 碳烤臭豆腐
▶ Okonomiyaki🇯🇵 / 大阪燒
▷ oyster omelet / 蚵仔煎
▶ wheel cake / 車輪餅
↘Comment below which is your favorite/which you would like to try😋👇↙⁣
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