《致我最珍貴的人》 Lany 最新催淚單曲

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  來自美國洛衫機的搖滾歌手- Lany 催淚親情單曲 - "if this is the last time 如果這是最後一次"


希望每次與家人相處的時光都當成是最後一次。認真珍惜 !



Lany 用歌詞寫下他對父親 & 母親不同想傳達的話語, 如下:

✅Hey, mom, I know we’re gettin’ old 媽,我知道我們都在慢慢變老

And the lines on our hands have changed 我們手上的掌紋也在變化著

But you still look at me the same 但妳依舊把我當作孩子看待


Hey, mom, guess what? You’re really tough 媽,我跟妳說,妳是如此堅忍嚴厲

And I know you did all you could 我知道妳盡一切所能

Just to  make  sure  my life was  good 只為了讓我的人生精彩美麗

✅Hey, dad, what’s up? Miss you so much 爸,你還好嗎?

我好想你 Yeah, the shade of your hair has changed

你的髮色逐漸斑白 But I look up to you the same 但我對你的尊敬依舊
