情人節為你挑片 🍒 #黑錢勝地 與情人邊看邊討論,看完還會繼續討論

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七月看完後,再也找不到那麼好看的美劇 #orzark






This is a drama in which each of the characters have miserable lives. But it let me watch three seasons of it ! It talks about a parent corporation working together to run a black business. Meanwhile, their children were suspicious at the beginning. But further they consider the situation further they gain strong loyalty to help their parent's casino business .The most spectacular part was whoever approached the dad will pass away in different ways because of his black business. But the dad will always be the survival one so that you can imagine how calm the dad is to overcome whenever the bad things come. The dad was always the standard face which is dazing facing the challenges.

The scariest part of the movie was the bitch-face staff called Ruth. Because she knew his relative’s gonna murdered his boss (the dad). She set the electricity on the coast so that the relatives ambushed the dad at night to kill him, then got burned in the fire that mixed with fire and electricity. Ever since that Ruth became the royalty partner of the dad . And also he let her manage a store for him to keep money laundering for him. Furthermore Ruth has a great potential of being an actress by her acting as an elder sister but she was 18 years old. And her stunning acting was her swagger walking and her powerful swear words to lead her earn the Grammy awards.

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